Colt Church

Colt Church is situated in the village Suseni, commune Rau de Mori and it is dedicated to "All Saints Sunday". Colt Fortress is also located here, being today in a state of total ruin. The church distinguishes by two special elements: firstly by placing a tower above the altar and then by the remnants of the inside mural picture. From the beginning, it was an Orthodox church. The tower above the altar has a square form with a pyramidal end covered with stone. The tower, which was used as a defense tower, had inside three rooms. The tower stairs are vertical and difficult to ascend. In the last top two rooms, the monks lived some time ago. At the end of the first room, in a solid wood locker there are some sacred bones. They belong to an anonymous saint. During our route, we invite you to discover the mysteries of this church.
Colt Church